Meet the team

Meet the people behind the rapid success of MTI Technology. With English-spoken, multi-national and multi-cultural backgrounds, these are energetic and dynamic people that made up the MTI Technology culture.

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DUC VU TRAN, PH.D / AI Lab Manager

Duc has completed her Ph.D. with a specialization in Computational Statistics, from the University of South Brittany, France.

Before that, she acquired her Master of Science in Applied Statistics from the University of Paris VI, also in France, and had seven years of experience working as a Senior Lecturer cum Head of Mathematics Department at Hoa Sen University, Vietnam.

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QUOC TRAN, MASTER OF SCIENCE / Technical Architect

Quoc holds Master of Science with a Major in Information Technology, CSM certificate, AWS Solution Architect Associate, has eleven years of experience developing, training in a variety of languages and frameworks (.NET, SQL Server, Entity Framework, AWS & Azure).
At MTI Technology, he is co-founder of Engineering Practice Group who introduces effective development standards that are suitable to each maturity step of the company’s members,…

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CARMEN KLAUSSNER, Ph.D. / Data Scientist

Carmen has recently completed a Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin.

As part of her studies, she has lived in 6 different countries. Carmen has received multiple scholarships during her studies including one from the European Commission, Science Foundation Ireland and Intel Ireland.

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AN TO / UI/UX Designer

An has more than 10 years of experience in UI/UX Design. She is in charge of UI/UX Design Basic Training course in the company. With a passion to solve real problems.

An is actively supporting development teams provide solutions that are simple and elegant.

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Tina graduated from Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, has acquired excellent communication skills and a teamwork mindset. Prior to joining MTI Technology, her experiences varied from Sales Management to Web Director, in all positions she served as the contact point for Japanese clients. At MTI Technology, Tina is a member of our Product Owner team, in charge of planning and creating weather services for the Japanese market.

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KIKUCHI HIRO / Technical Architect

A graduate of Computer and Science, with extensive experience in both frontend & backend, Kikuchi plays a crucial role in enhancing engineering practices in the company

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